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“Y’all. It’s brilliant. I have never felt so seen in my 50+ years of life. Even my husband, who typically needs several pieces of evidence to subscribe to an idea, watched this film and saw reflections of me, such as the disassociation, the sense of loss, and the relationship problems. The theory of the primal wound describes my life.” KE Garland adoptee author of In Search of a Salve
“You have made MAGIC.”
Anne Heffron, Author and Adoptee
“I cried for the first time in 41 years.”
Ron C., adoptee
“This movie is so beautiful.”
Amy Ebbeson, LCSW Worcester Addresses Childhood Trauma
“Supporting this film is supporting those who are bringing the truth to light.”
Valerie Naiman, adoptee and author of Mystic Masquerade: An Adoptee’s Search for Truth
“The work is poetic and raw at the same time. The strength of first mother and daughter uniting to carry out this project is palpable.”
Gonda Von Steen, author and ally Kings College London
The Sequel
Reckoning with The Paternal Wound….because there’s another side to this story.
-- Andrea Ross, author of Unnatural Selection: A Memoir of Adoption and Wilderness in LITPUB.”